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MeepoBot | Poof Bot for Geomancer
eepoBot is small program created for Geomaner, Meepo in DotA. It allows you to cast Poof to your clones in just 1 click. By using this program you can deal mass amount of damage to your enemies in one instant. MeepoBot is helpful for those players who don't like to play Meepo because it is hard to control him. Meepobot should help those players to enhance their gameplay with Geomancer.
Download MeepoBot:
- MeepoBot.rar (mirror 1)
Dota 2 Kunka
Behold the most favorite CM mode hero of all time, Kunkka – The Admiral. He just got added in the recent patch update. This is one of the best hero currently in DOTA 2 having great skill effects and eye-candy. Have a look at Kunkka!
Dota 6.73 will have Multiple Heroes

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Dota 2 won't be released until 2012
Dota 2 won't be released until 2012
It's sad but true! Gabe Newell's statement about the official release date of Dota 2Dota 2 won`t ship until 2012, Valve boss Gabe Newell has revealed.
Valve plans to launch an invitation beta after the Gamescom tournament ends. After that a public beta will launch. "And then we`ll probably start worrying about how we`ll monetise it," Newell told Eurogamer.
"We`ll just go into progressively wider and wider distribution. I don`t think it`ll be shipped until next year."
Dota 2 was penned for launch this year.
"But then," Newell continued, "with a game like this, you just keep shipping. You add new heroes. You try out new game modes. You are constantly tweaking item and hero balance. It`s very much an ongoing thing."
Valve is targeting this fall for a large scale beta.
Hero Chen
- Strength
20 + 1.5 - Agility
15 + 2.1 - Intelligence
21 + 2.8
Forces a unit to accept punishment for its sins, causing it to move slower and accept more damage from attacks and spells.
Test of Faith
Deals variable damage based on the unit's faith.
Holy Persuasion
Takes control of a target enemy unit. If cast on allied unit, teleports it to safety. Instantly teleports Chen's persuaded creeps.
Hand of God
Fully regenerates your converted creeps. Heals all allied heroes on the map.
- Sentinel
- 0.5 / 0.5
- 43 - 53
- 0.3 / 0.51
- 1.1
- 1.7
- 300
- 1100
- 600
- 1800 / 800
- Active
- Unit
- E
Forces a unit to accept punishment for its sins, causing it to move slower and accept more damage from attacks and spells.
- Level
- Mana Cost
- Cooldown
- Casting range
- Area of Effect
- Duration
- Allowed Targets
- Effects
- 1
- 100
- 14
- 600
- N/A
- 7 seconds
- Enemy unit
- 8% movement speed reduction, and 7% increased damage taken
- 2
- 100
- 14
- 600
- N/A
- 7 seconds
- Enemy unit
- 16% movement speed reduction, and 14% increased damage taken
- 3
- 100
- 14
- 600
- N/A
- 7 seconds
- Enemy unit
- 24% movement speed reduction, and 21% increased damage taken
- 4
- 100
- 14
- 600
- N/A
- 7 seconds
- Enemy unit
- 32% movement speed reduction, and 28% increased damage taken
• Bonus damage will always be physical (reduced by armor), regardless of the damage source.Test of Faith
- Active
- Unit
- T
Deals variable damage based on the unit's faith.
- Level
- Mana Cost
- Cooldown
- Casting range
- Area of Effect
- Duration
- Allowed Targets
- Effects
- 1
- 175
- 24
- 600
- N/A
- N/A
- Enemy units
- 50-100 damage
- 2
- 175
- 24
- 600
- N/A
- N/A
- Enemy units
- 100-200 damage
- 3
- 175
- 24
- 600
- N/A
- N/A
- Enemy units
- 150-300 damage
- 4
- 175
- 24
- 600
- N/A
- N/A
- Enemy units
- 200-400 damage
• Damage type: pure• The amount of damage dealt is random.
Holy Persuasion
- Active
- Unit
- R
Takes control of a target enemy unit. If cast on allied unit, teleports it to safety. Instantly teleports Chen's persuaded creeps.
- Level
- Mana Cost
- Cooldown
- Casting range
- Area of Effect
- Duration
- Allowed Targets
- Effects
- 1
- 100
- 30
- 900
- N/A
- N/A
- Enemy non-hero unit , allied units
- 1 Unit Max. 75 HP Bonus, 6 seconds delay on teleportation
- 2
- 100
- 26
- 900
- N/A
- N/A
- Enemy non-hero unit , allied units
- 1 Unit Max. 150 HP Bonus, 5 seconds delay on teleportation
- 3
- 100
- 22
- 900
- N/A
- N/A
- Enemy non-hero unit , allied units
- 2 Unit Max. 225 HP Bonus, 4 seconds delay on teleportation
- 4
- 100
- 18
- 900
- N/A
- N/A
- Enemy non-hero unit , allied units
- 3 Unit Max. 300 HP Bonus, 3 seconds delay on teleportation
• You can take control of any neutral creep except Ancient-type neutrals (Dragonspawn, etc.).• When persuading a new creep above your max unit count, a random persuaded unit (which could be the one you just persuaded) will die.
• The -disablehelp command will stop an allied Chen from being able to teleport your hero with this ability.
Hand of God
- Active
- Instant
- D
Fully regenerates your converted creeps. Heals all allied heroes on the map.
- Level
- Mana Cost
- Cooldown
- Casting range
- Area of Effect
- Duration
- Allowed Targets
- Effects
- 1
- 200
- 120 (30*)
- N/A
- Global
- N/A
- Allied heroes
- 200 HP Healed
- 2
- 300
- 120 (30*)
- N/A
- Global
- N/A
- Allied heroes
- 300 HP Healed
- 3
- 400
- 120 (30*)
- N/A
- Global
- N/A
- Allied heroes
- 400 HP Healed
• Heals spell immune units.• Can be improved by Aghanim's Scepter (* shows the improved values).
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