Kardel Sharpeye
- Strength
16 + 1.7 - Agility
21 + 2.9 - Intelligence
15 + 2.6
Fires a ball full of shrapnel into the air which promptly explodes, showering the target area in explosive pellets. Enemy units that walk in this area get damaged and slowed. Deals 1/3 damage to buildings. Lasts for 8 seconds
A shot to the head deals bonus damage and stuns for a short duration.
Take Aim
Kardel uses his dwarf engineering skills to make modifications to his rifle, enhancing the range of his rifle.
Take time to draw a bead, and then deal a large amount of damage to the target at a huge range.
- Sentinel
- 0.17 / 0.7
- 36 - 42
- 0.3 / 0.51
- 1.94
- 1.7
- 290
- 3000
- 550
- 1800 / 1000
- Active
- Area
- R
Fires a ball full of shrapnel into the air. which promptly explodes, showering the target area in explosive pellets. Enemy units that walk in this area get damaged and slowed. Deals 1/3 damage to buildings. Lasts for 8 seconds
- Level
- Mana Cost
- Cooldown
- Casting range
- Area of Effect
- Duration
- Allowed Targets
- Effects
- 1
- 120
- 15
- 1200
- 325
- 8 seconds
- Enemy units
- 15% Slow / 12 DPS
- 2
- 120
- 15
- 1200
- 325
- 8 seconds
- Enemy units
- 20% Slow / 24 DPS
- 3
- 120
- 15
- 1200
- 325
- 8 seconds
- Enemy units
- 25% Slow / 36 DPS
- 4
- 120
- 15
- 1200
- 325
- 8 seconds
- Enemy units
- 30% Slow / 48 DPS
• Damage type: magical• Damage will be dealt 9 times, first time at spell effect and then every second.
• Effect is delayed 0.8 seconds.
- Passive
- N/A
- O
A shot to the head deals bonus damage and stuns for a short duration.
- Level
- Mana Cost
- Cooldown
- Casting range
- Area of Effect
- Duration
- Allowed Targets
- Effects
- 1
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- 0.01 seconds
- Any unit
- 25% chance to deal 30 damage and ministun
- 2
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- 0.1 seconds
- Any unit
- 30% chance to deal 30 damage and ministun
- 3
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- 0.2 seconds
- Any unit
- 35% chance to deal 40 damage and ministun
- 4
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- 0.2 seconds
- Any unit
- 40% chance to deal 50 damage and ministun
• Damage type: hero physical• Works on allied creeps.
• Stun is blocked by magic immunity.
Take Aim
- Passive
- N/A
- E
Kardel uses his dwarf engineering skills to make modifications to his rifle, enhancing the range of his rifle.
- Level
- Mana Cost
- Cooldown
- Casting range
- Area of Effect
- Duration
- Allowed Targets
- Effects
- 1
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- Attack Range +65
- 2
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- Attack Range +130
- 3
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- Attack Range +195
- 4
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A
- Attack Range +260
• Level 3 and 4 of this skill allow Kardel to out-range towers.Assassinate
- Active
- Unit
- T
Take time to draw a bead, and then deal a large amount of damage to the target at a huge range.
- Level
- Mana Cost
- Cooldown
- Casting range
- Area of Effect
- Duration
- Allowed Targets
- Effects
- 1
- 175
- 20
- 1500
- N/A
- N/A
- Enemy units
- Deals 355 Damage
- 2
- 275
- 15
- 2000
- N/A
- N/A
- Enemy units
- Deals 505 Damage
- 3
- 375
- 10
- 2500
- N/A
- N/A
- Enemy units
- Deals 655 Damage
• Damage type: magical• Crosshair on target is visible to allies only.
• Invisibility doesn't affect the effect of this skill.
• Interrupts channeling spells.
• Interrupt works on magic immune units.
• Takes 1.7 seconds to cast.
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